What's New These Days....

What is L.A. to you?

To me, she is great and twisted; showing me horrors that I long after while alluding a life of the walking dead...

I am glad to report, I severed some of the tentacles that had hold of me since I left.
.That took way too long.


Portable Free PC repair/Diagnostic Tool Box For Computer Administrators

So, my favorite program for keeping the computers running at peak performance has gone plaid!
That's right, IObit.com and Advanced SystemCare 3 took the best running utility software and made it even better. With the latest update, its like they decided to quit preparing to fast forward and started just fast forwarding. They boldly chose a new interface, going away from the style of past versions; and it's this pioneering spirit that pushed them past light speed and ludicrous speed, even with a jammed radar (raspberry, I presume!).
Now I must admit that Advanced SystemCare 3 was already my favorite utility program, but with this update, they offer even more options to maximize, revitalize, and de-clutterize your digital link to the today age. The best part of all? It's FREE! Here's the link so you can try it out:
Portable Free PC repair/Diagnostic Tool Box For Computer Administrators
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