Does this suggest that Google may become one of the world powers as far as countries are concerned?
Coming in at 65th richest country in the world, being headquartered in the U.S., having an omnipresence on the web, and possessing the roster of personal data and valuable information they hold, added to a potential nuclear arsenal......
That pretty much qualifies them as a world power.
Feel free to follow the link below for an interesting article on this topic.
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The musings of a mobile kung fu teacher and poet in Los Angeles, CA, while he explores the area's electronic music dance scene. Along the way, he is liable to include stories or notes of some of his interesting discoveries. This is sure to be entertaining reading about the area's night life, with just a hint of interesting, real-life advice.
Living in L.A. Pages
What's New These Days....
What is L.A. to you?
To me, she is great and twisted; showing me horrors that I long after while alluding a life of the walking dead...
I am glad to report, I severed some of the tentacles that had hold of me since I left.
.That took way too long.
To me, she is great and twisted; showing me horrors that I long after while alluding a life of the walking dead...
I am glad to report, I severed some of the tentacles that had hold of me since I left.
.That took way too long.