This week was slow for me, as I save energy, money, and ideas for the upcoming week, my birthday week. Also, I was helping a friend remodel her condo, and that took much of my gusto for going out. You can see pics of that by clicking kung fu carpentry. I attended King King on Friday for Behrouz and DJ Kam and I got to see just how funky the famed DJ can get (I missed DJ Kam as I was fashionable late). Behrouz broke it down, mixing in some far reaching new songs with some of the popular current tracks via a well-conceived, intelligent mix that put me in an all-night dance marathon.
There was a good looking group of alterEgo Events friends who showed up to take part. If you missed this one, you missed out on some true skills. I learned that Behrouz is not just a name or an image; he has substance to back it up. Here's a link to the photos taken at the event. Be sure to check them out and see how ugly your mug really looks or to see what you missed.
THE WEEK AHEAD (April 26- May 2)
m: Sandy Kleinenberg will be at Monday Night Social this week.
w: Ecco will play host to Miguel Miggs this Wednesday. As this is my birthday, I should probably attend.....Yeah, probably.

f: Chicks with decks should be nice at Area 33.
su: We are also looking at another Sunday downtown Standard rooftop party, this event is by RSVP only. You may RSVP by contacting me or by going to the alterEgo Events website. Please include the number of guests in your party (including you) when you RSVP. Later that night, the Green Door may be in my sights.... Here's the flyer:
Here are a few photos to remind people of some of the fun that goes down atop the downtown Standard, so be sure to check back.... (I was the fortunate photographer chosen out of the crowd for the trio....)
See you at the Standard!