What's New These Days....

What is L.A. to you?

To me, she is great and twisted; showing me horrors that I long after while alluding a life of the walking dead...

I am glad to report, I severed some of the tentacles that had hold of me since I left.
.That took way too long.


I Am Uncle Again!!! (That Makes 14 or 15, I think...)

Congratulations, Doug and Korrin, on the baby boy! We are happy for you and proud of you both. Gabriel Micheal is the couple's first child, making me an uncle for the 14th or 15th time (it all depends on how you define 'uncle'.) (What can I say?; I'm from the south, where 'step', 'half', and 'other' are all part of family title descriptions.)

This is from my half-brother Doug, who shares my namesake.
As you can see by the number of nieces and nephews I have, my family has been truly blessed and so have I!

Doug, he looks just like you (poor kid!).....