This is a letter to the manager of Avalon from one of the people who attended the Lee Burridge event just last Saturday. If you remember, the Electric Daisy Carnival was taking place this same weekend, and DJ's from Friday night's E.D.C. schedule were 'rumored' as special guests at Avalon on Saturday night. Sure enough, after Lee Burridge was done spinning, James Zabiela and Sasha showed up (unannounced to the crowd) and put on an hour and a half set between the two of them. This customer did not make it to see the two guests....
To Whom it May Concern:
As an avid, long-time attendee of Avalon, I ask that a manager look into this matter I bring forward: The other night, Saturday, June 26, 2010, you had special guest DJ's Sasha and Zabiela, show up around 4am for a collective hour and a half of, what I heard, was amazing electronica paradise. Please don't pull another stunt like that! You see, we went home just 15 minutes before they came on, as we were so exhausted we could hardly stand, let alone dance. But, had we known that these two were going to show up later in the morning, we would have planned accordingly. It is simply unacceptable to have this caliber of DJ spin at your club with out making your fan base aware of their performance with plenty of advanced notice. You, however, chose to alienate your customers and any one who left early is now left feeling short-changed after visiting your club. With that said, I am formally requesting a full refund of my ticket price of $35, as I was not informed of the late night showing and missed two of my favorite DJ's due to your oversight.
Thank you for looking into this right away!
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx
Ha! That should teach this person, don't leave until the club closes!
See you on the dance floor ~