What's New These Days....

What is L.A. to you?

To me, she is great and twisted; showing me horrors that I long after while alluding a life of the walking dead...

I am glad to report, I severed some of the tentacles that had hold of me since I left.
.That took way too long.


Where to go Kick it with Kung Fu Kev for Labor Day Weekend

Me and Ren @Ecco for A. Caldwell
Welcome back ya'll
Happy weekend of celebrations and Kickin' it with Kung Fu Kev

Labor Day is a day set aside to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers throughout the year. If you have had a good year of working, this would be the designated day for toasting those accomplishments. If you do not fall into this category; i.e., if you did not have a good year of working (and many of us did not) - I still grant you, by the power vested in me, the ability to designate this day for celebrating. Hell, I'm going to grant you all weekend long for celebrating and throw in Monday as well, for a spot of recovery (As if you needed an excuse to get down this weekend!).

Anyway, while I'm granting such privileges, I might as well grant the privileges of telling you some hot spots to go this weekend.

Saturday Night:

Sunday Day:

And then Monday Day:

That should keep you all busy for awhile. Now remember, this weekend is only supposed to be for those who experienced a year of work worth celebrating about. For the rest of you, the only reason you are allowed to participate in this year's festivities, is due to my kindness and generousity. So, take advantage! 'Cause I may not be feeling this good next year -