What's New These Days....

What is L.A. to you?

To me, she is great and twisted; showing me horrors that I long after while alluding a life of the walking dead...

I am glad to report, I severed some of the tentacles that had hold of me since I left.
.That took way too long.


Handbook for Wellness in 2010

This piece was forwarded to me in an email. But, like the last post, I have no idea who composed this.
Do you know where this is from?
From Living in L.A.

From Living in L.A.

From Living in L.A.

I would like to know who wrote this piece,
so if you have seen this before and/or have 
some information as to the source of this, please let me know. 

The advice is very poignant and succinct. 

If we all live this way, it's safe to say that  
we will have a good 2010.
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